Monday, April 30, 2007

99 Cent SFG

I've been thinking that it would be nice to have a "modular" SFG. I had intended to make a bunch of 12"X12"X6" cedar or redwood boxes that I could move around the yard, put on a table or a ledge, bring inside, or whatever. I still might make a couple of them using scrap wood that I have laying around;


the other day I was in the .99 Cent Only store. They sell a square plastic pot that is 7" deep and 8" across the top (it tapers down to 4" at the base). This size will make an excellent (I think, we'll see) container for my modular SFG. Because it tapers down to only 4" at the bottom I only intend to use these pots for the plants that are planted at one per square foot (such as tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, basil, zucchini, etc.).

The pots had a solid bottom so I drilled a couple of 1/4" holes in each, covered the holes with a small piece of window screen, filled with Mel's Mix and planted.

Below are 4 Early Girl tomato plants (the extras after planting the Topsy Turvys) and a couple of orphan cantaloupes.
This is a table that I built with a few 2"X4" that I used last year to frame up the concrete pad in front of my shed. The top is made of cedar fence boards, so I'm hoping it will last (maybe I should paint it). I use the top of the table as a kind of nursery; I intend to place my cold frame on the table during the fall/winter. The bottom is pot and tool storage. The blue water container (5 gal.) holds my sun warmed water.I purchased the rectangular containers at the 99 cent store also. They measure about 5" deep, 6" across and 14" in length. I bought a few of them to hold flowers and the like, but ended up using them for my SFG because I was in a pinch.

From left to right, (4) containers with extra strawberry plants, 1 container of baby carrots and one container of Thumbelina carrots (from seed, planted 4/24/07). Along the back is an Aloe Vera plant (in a terra cotta pot) and 6 pepper plants (different kinds such as Habanero, Jalapeno, Cayenne, and a couple others) planted in the square .99 Cent Only store containers.